Great search engine optimization (SEO) can help you attract new customers, but if you want to keep them you have to invest in smart web design. An attractive website that’s easy to navigate can do wonders for clicks. Your goal should be to provide the best experience possible when people visit your page. Here are a few tips for building an incredible website.

Think of Your Customers

The first step in the best web design is think about the customers you’re trying to attract. They’re called your target audience. Different kinds of people respond best to certain content, so everything on your website depends on who you’re marketing to. For example, if you’re trying to attract moms and dads, you’ll probably use content that is family friendly and practical. Here are a few options:

  • How-to blogs
  • Buying guides
  • Helpful product pages
  • Bright and positive images
  • Social media marketing

The more your website helps to solve problems and provide solutions for families, the more popular it is for your target audience. On the other hand, if you’re selling to other businesses, you would probably use more professional writing. Your product pages would have technical specifications and focus on important business features. No matter who you’re marketing to, build your content so it answers the questions or solves the problems the group has.

Avoid Weird Fonts

Unless your brand is dedicated to products that are eccentric and a little strange, limit yourself to regular text. Generally, serif fonts are a good fit for headlines, and sans serif are perfect for body text. On computer screens, and especially on mobile devices, sans serif text such as this is much easier for readers to understand.

Create an Attention-Grabbing Layout

In addition to having enjoyable content, you also need to arrange text in a pleasing way. The layout of text can help readers remember the most important parts of your product pages and blog articles. Try to keep paragraphs short and include plenty of white space on the screen. White space has artistic and marketing benefits, giving your brand a certain feel and pointing to the main points on the page.

Use simple layouts that scroll down for your web design. This is what most people are comfortable with and they work well on mobile devices, too. Instead of creating massive walls of text, use subheadings and bullet points to hook visitors. Bullet points can be very powerful without using many words. Also, don’t forget about the power of images to speak to users. The right picture gets people excited and makes them want to learn more.